Xming- Portable PuTTY is the portable version of one of the most popular telnet and ssh clients. SSH and Telnet are two ways of logging into a multi-user computer from a remote computer over the network. Multi user-operating systems provide a command user interface from where the users can give commands to remote computer systems in a network. On start, Xming-Portable Putty shows a dialog box where users can control everything using the control panel. One of the useful features of the Xming- Portable PuTTY is the PuTTY Secure Copy client which is a tool for transferring files securely between computers using an SSH connection. The portable version of PuTTY differs from the regular one as it can also be run from portable devices directly. This is because this portable version contains few self-contained executables which can be run directly. Another noticeable feature of the software is that Xming- Portable PuTTY stores configuration data (sessions, sshhostkeys) to file instead of the registry and can work from existing registry entries. This version of PuTTY is a complete freeware.